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The Financial Fitness Program teaches the Offense, Defense, and Playing Field of personal finance. With a basic understanding of these three areas, which are rarely taught together as a whole, anyone can learn to prosper, conserve, and multiply the fruits of his or her labor. 


- Financial Fitness Book

- Financial Fitness eBook

- Financial Fitness Audiobook (digital)

- Financial Fitness Workbook

- Financial Literacy Video Training Series (50 videos)

- 9 Physical CD's

- 9 Digital Audios

Audio Titles: 

Audio 1: The Offense and Defense of Personal Finances by Orrin Woodard & Chris Brady  

Audio 2: Money View by Chris Brady  

Audio 3: Money as a Slave by Chris & Terri Brady  

Audio 4: The Principles of Financial Management by Orrin Woodward 

Audio 5: Top 3 Reasons Why People Have a Hard Time Getting Out of Debt by Orrin Woodward & Chris Brady 

Audio 6: Financial Matrix Money System Revealed  by Orrin Woodward  

Audio 7: Camel in the Tent by Chris Brady  

Audio 8: Good as Gold by Chris Brady 

Audio 9: The Green Box to Financial Freedom by Orrin & Laurie Woodward

The Financial Fitness Program is also registered with, which means CPAs can earn 22 self-study CPE credits from by completing the material in the Financial Fitness Program and passing an online exam. is an IRS Approved Continuing Education Provider registered with the NASBA as a QAS Sponsor of Continuing Professional Education, and the CPE credit hours satisfy or exceed the updated AICPA/NASBA guidelines on self-study CPE activated in 2014 for all 50 states and US territories. 

The Financial Fitness Program teaches the Offense, Defense, and Playing Field of personal finance. With a basic understanding of these three areas, which are rarely taught together as a whole, anyone can learn to prosper, conserve, and multiply the fruits of his or her labor.  

Audio Titles: 
Audio 1: The Offense and Defense of Personal Finances by Orrin Woodard & Chris Brady  
Audio 2: Money View by Chris Brady  
Audio 3: Money as a Slave by Chris & Terri Brady  
Audio 4: The Principles of Financial Management by Orrin Woodward 
Audio 5: Top 3 Reasons Why People Have a Hard Time Getting Out of Debt by Orrin Woodward & Chris Brady 
Audio 6: Financial Matrix Money System Revealed  by Orrin Woodward  
Audio 7: Camel in the Tent by Chris Brady  
Audio 8: Good as Gold by Chris Brady 
Audio 9: The Green Box to Financial Freedom by Orrin & Laurie Woodward

The Financial Fitness Program is also registered with, which means CPAs can earn 22 self-study CPE credits from by completing the material in the Financial Fitness Program and passing an online exam. is an IRS Approved Continuing Education Provider registered with the NASBA as a QAS Sponsor of Continuing Professional Education, and the CPE credit hours satisfy or exceed the updated AICPA/NASBA guidelines on self-study CPE activated in 2014 for all 50 states and US territories. To access the CPE course learning objectives, review questions, and final exam, please visit

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